
George Washington Presidencies Essay

Decent Essays

In this essay I will analyze the presidencies of George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and James Monroe. I will describe the good and bad decisions made during their terms and if they had a successful presidency and benefited america the best they could.
After the American Revolution, George Washington was unanimously voted our young nation's first president. George Washington knew he wasn’t the smartest person in the room, so he appointed Thomas Jefferson as Secretary of State and Alexander Hamilton as Secretary of Treasury. Both Jefferson and Hamilton had contradicting views on how the nations should be ran. Jefferson seeing a self-sufficient, farm-owning, low-government, nation while Hamilton saw a nation powered …show more content…

Later, the Whiskey Rebellion breaks out. Washington hears of the rebellion and personally leads his army to pennsylvania to prevent it before it grows out of hand. The rebels hear of their former general coming and stop the rebellion themselves. George Washington serves two terms and acts as an example for all the presidents later to come.
After Washington leaves office after two terms, John Adams wins the presidential election of 1796 and Thomas Jefferson becomes the vice president. Adams plans to pursue his plans of big cities full of business powering the nation's economy. The French Revolution, which started in Washington's presidency, puts a hold in his plans for now. America wants to trade but France keeps destroying ships heading to England and vice versa. This forces Adams to make a decision. The North wants to to attack France and the South wants to attack England but Adams realizes that America has no money, army, or …show more content…

Jefferson comes to Hamilton to influence the house to give him the presidency in return for not touching what Alexander has done with the economy. However, Jefferson later repeals the Whiskey Tax and the Alien and Sedition Acts to try and pursue his vision of America, but later realizes that his vision is unrealistic and gives up. In 1803, Thomas offers Napoleon 15 million dollars for the port of New Orleans. Napoleon instead offers all of Louisiana for that price which Jefferson gladly accepts. While America’s relationship with France is decent, the relationship with England is less than perfect. England began destroying our ships in response to their Orders in Council. America is losing ships and sailors fast. In response, Jefferson passes the Embargo Act of 1807 which prevents trade with all foreign countries therefor ruining America’s

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