
George Washington: Father of a Nation Essay

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George Washington: Father of a Nation

A desolate wind swept over the American encampment at Valley Forge. Freezing temperatures and blinding snow storms accompanied by heartbreaking defeats had taken their toll on these young freedom fighters. The cry for freedom could no longer be heard over hunger pains and the freezing wind. One lone figure could be seen walking through the camp trying to re-ignite that fire in his dwindling troops who were huddled together for warmth. We can only wonder what words of encouragement George Washington told his men to keep their hopes alive that long hard winter of 1778. Whatever they were, they held an army together and inspired a young nation to go on and defeat the greatest power in the …show more content…

Incidentally, his surveying knowledge came in handy much later when he was President. When George was nineteen he was made a Major in charge of one of the military districts into which the colony of Virginia was divided from handling attacks on the frontier by French and Indians. This was the real beginning of the seven-year French and Indian War. Two years later he was sent on a mission to the French, to find out just what their intentions were and to warn them off. This meant six hundred miles alone through the wilderness. However, for a young fellow of his build, experience, and aptitudes this was all in the day's work and probably very enjoyable. In 1754 he commanded a regiment against the French, who had established themselves at Fort Duquesne (now Pittsburgh): but he was driven back by superior forces to Fort Necessity, the American stronghold, which he held as long as humanly possible before surrendering. Washington then accompanied General Braddock and led two regiments of volunteers against Fort Duquesne. In this campaign he received four bullet holes in his coat and had two horses shot under him. Perhaps he was being saved for another time. Even though Braddock was killed, Washington was able to lead the rest of the Virginia troops to defeat the French troops. For doing

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