
George Orwell's Animal Farm

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Throughout history, there were not many laws people abided by. Karl Marx decided to come up with a theory called Marxism. Karl wanted to come up with a theory that explained the value of all commodities. Karl wanted to make a system that allowed farmers and workers to sell products for capitalists for a wage. This is comparable to the commandments that the pigs created in Animal Farm.

When Karl Marx came up with the theory of Marxism, he created three main points. His main three points were Philosophical Anthropology, Soviet Marxism, and post-WWII nondogmatic Marxism's, (Mclellan, David & Chambre, Henri). Philosophical Anthropology was a theory in history, that was an economic and political program. Soviet Marxism was created by Vladimir Lenin and modified by Joseph Stalin to use during the Russian Revolution. Post-WWII nondogmatic Marxism, Karl wanted to borrow thoughts from multiple philosophies, including Edmund Husserl, Martin Heidegger, Sigmund Freud, and many others. Once Karl came up with Marxism, it didn’t really have a label. The work was too large to be called a philosophy. "Marxism has been understood and practiced by various socialist movements, particularly before 1914" (David T. McLellan & Henri Chambre). …show more content…

They decide to call these laws commandments, and they must follow these rules. "These Seven Commandments would now be inscribed on the wall: they would form an unalterable law by which all the animals on Animal Farm must live for ever after" (Orwell 16). Marxism is linked to Animal Farm by the commandments, since the commandments were laws and Marxism is a theory on how to create laws, this makes them connected. Some of the animals, could not read the commandments due to their lack of education. This could link to Marxism, since many people could not understand Karl Marx's theory for

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