
George Orwell's Animal Farm

Decent Essays

Animal Farm by George Orwell begins by introducing Mr. Jones the owner of Manor Farms. He is described as drunk and he does not care for his farm animals properly after losing a lawsuit. Chapter one focuses on a monologue by Old Major, a intelligent pig after Mr.Jones has fallen asleep. In this speech Major is upfront and honest about life in the farm and how it is awful for the animals. He brings up how they are forced to do all labour, their young are taken and sold off, and they do not get any benefits from their struggles. In this speech he convinces the animals that mankind is bad and that they are selfish.

The animal characters in the book so far are Boxer, Clover, Muriel, Benjamin, Mollie, Snowball, Napoleon, Squealer, and Old Major. Boxer and Clover are horses and are seen as kind as it is said they, “walked very slowly and setting down their vast hairy hoofs with great care lest there should be some small animal concealed in the straw.” (2). Benjamin is said to have a bad temper and Mollie is described to be pretty and is fairly conceited. Snowball and Napoleon are seen as intelligent pigs and Orwell writes, “ The work of teaching and organizing the others fell naturally upon the pigs…” (9). This quote could be a insight to how they may become the leaders of the Rebellion. …show more content…

This occurs when the rats want to listen in to the speech but are chased by dogs into their holes. This starts a vote where all the animals agree they are comrades and that the only enemies are whatever walks on two legs. This is greatly important because it is a common rule that they are not each others enemy and that they should not fight or harm each

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