
George And Lennie's Role In Of Mice And Men

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Have you ever had a goal that you dreamt about it. That was the case for George and Lennie in John Steinbeck's novel Of Mice And Men. All that George and Lennie wanted was a farm, they saved up close to 400 dollars with candys help. Everything was going as planned when Lennie did something that would change their lives forever. Lennie was a man with a child's brain. Lennie had the strength as a bull, Lennie can put up a four hundred pound bale. Lennie wasn't very smart he was told repeatedly that if he kept playing with the puppies the way he was he would end up killing it and sure enough he did. When conflict was between Curley and Lennie Culey was beating up on Lennie and he didn't know what to do until George told Lennie it was ok to fight back, Lennie broke Curley's hand and he didn't mess with Lennie after that. The stunt that was the dumbest by Lennie was when Curley's was visiting Lennie in the barn she told Lennie to feel her hair and Lennie freaked out and shaked her and broke her neck, Lennie tried to hid her body under the mound of hay in the barn, when her body was found Lennie was long gone. Lennie was an innocent man with unbelievable strength that he couldn't control. …show more content…

George was the one who came up with the idea of the dream farm and he would be the one to make the dream into reality. George was a middle age farm man very caring for Lennie and very intelligent. If George didn't watch after Lennie he could go and do better things with his life but yet he still stays behind to help with Lennie. George wasn't a very big or strong man but he knew how to make the best out of every situation. I believe that the dream farm meant the most to George than to the rest of the

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