
Genogram In Social Work Practice

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A genogram is a graphic representation of a family tree that displays detailed data on relationships among individuals. It goes beyond a traditional family tree by allowing the user to analyze hereditary patterns and psychological factors that punctuate relationships. Genograms are a practical tool in social work practice, both in terms of assessment and intervention. Historically, the genogram is most commonly thought of in relation to practice with children, adolescents, and families to explore the quality of relationships and behavioral patterns across generations. In child welfare practice, for example, the genogram is useful to incorporate changes over time, which is particularly helpful in charting shifts in custodial care for instances …show more content…

The use of the genogram in social work practice is supported by the profession’s knowledge base as well as its values and ethical standards. A central benefit is that this instrument introduces a client to the principles of systems theory, which are fundamental to social work practice. The genogram offers insight into that very understanding. For example, the genogram offers the opportunity to define and explore the family by acknowledging the client as the expert. This practice accounts for the evolving conceptualization of the family continually influenced by shifting cultural norms. Similarly, the genogram invites the client to share personal identification in terms of race, gender, ethnicity, and cultural affiliation, which aligns with the discipline’s emphasis on understanding the various aspects of identity. Genograms have been used successfully in assessment, counseling, marriage and family therapy, college teaching, and as mechanisms for increasing awareness in individuals and families concerning family history and family events. Genograms to be useful across the life span and encourage genograms use with all ages. Genograms can also increase awareness and provide better insight into personal family …show more content…

Squares are males, circles are females, triangles are pregnancy related. A cross through the shape means a death. Pets even get a jersey! The shapes begin to tell us how many people and what sex they are. At this point you can add ages, names, Dates of birth and death. As much personal information as is needed. The next step is for you to add how the relationships are brought together. Otherwise we just have a bunch of shapes on a page. Marriage is a solid line, divorce has two strokes through it. Dating is a dotted line etc. Finally, you need to look at the emotional nature of the relationships. Are the relationships harmonious? Are there friendships or even best friends? Are they in love? Perhaps there is even hostility in the relationship. Is there violence, mistrust or even a family feud? Perhaps there is abuse, neglect or sexual abuse. These little bits of information come together to paint a picture of how a person’s family and relationships affect them. It shows the patterns and the history that make a person who they are. It can show situations, intergenerational concerns and family dynamics which create the environment for our clients to struggle. It can also be used as a therapeutic tool to address the struggles and bring about strength. I agree with author of this article, based upon my knowledge and research of genograms they are useful tools that can be adapted to many settings and circumstances. A genogram can trace

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