
Genetically Engineered Foods Essay

Decent Essays

Altieri, M. A. (2006). Gale opposing viewpoints in context. The government should test the safety of genetically engineered food, (3010212258). Retrieved from I choose to keep record of the information given in this academic journal from a Gale database, opposing viewpoints in context. In which …show more content…

In his journal his purpose is to persuade consumers against GE technology and all it entails. In detail, he goes over the background of the technology and about its’ revolutionary stage. His argument pertains to the fact that no one is educated enough and those that are cannot provide the answers that are necessary when dealing with humanity and its’ wellness. He continues with describing the inheritance danger, toxins and poisons it creates, and about the effect this technology has on the well-being of humans or the environment. This source is also from a Gale learning database in which the information is presented as a scholarly journal. The information cited in the journal are also scholarly or peer-reviewed and contain case studies that help to convey the factual base of the information provided. This source is like other sources that also argue against the dangerous concept of using biotechnology methods. Though the source is credible, questions must arise about the case studies and information provided in which is not as accurate as the journal itself. In other words, the journal was published in 2012, yet the information concluded from the case studies are outdated from 1989- 2000. A person may wonder why the author is using old case studies that are almost non-relevant in the new time frame and era of the technology itself. I plan to use this source in my writing to further explain the need for more case studies and testing with genetical engineering. Also, to give the reader an opportunity to research and find out more up to date information pertaining to the

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