
Genetic Testing Persuasive Essay

Decent Essays

What would you do if an immediate family member of yours developed a popular genetic disease and there was a possibility of you having it? Wouldn’t you want to know whether or not you had it as well, in your genes? Genetic testing allows for people to know if they have a certain genetic disease, if they need to get a certain treatment plan set up, or if there are ways to prevent it from becoming present or visible in the body. Genetic Discrimination is no longer legally allowed, meaning that there is no longer a need to fear the possibility of your genetic information getting into the wrong hands. Genetic testing should be done by anyone who may have a chance of developing any type of disease that could be life-threatening or not. Genetic …show more content…

Although it is greatly feared that your genetic information will get in the hands of the wrong person, it is now protected by the law. Genetic Discrimination is no longer allowed because both federal and state laws have been made against allowing employers and insurance agents to discriminate you based on a genetic disease you may have. These laws are part of the GINA - Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act. There are two titles within GINA, Title One prohibits Genetic Discrimination in Health Insurance and Title Two prohibits Genetic Discrimination in Employment. Others may argue that genetic testing is unreliable and does not work to detect genetic diseases in all parts of the body. “Among the variety of genetic tests, some yield high rates of false-positive and false-negative results, while others are characterized by findings that are precise but of uncertain clinical or predictive value” (1998, Hastings Center Report, 15-21). Although that may be true, there can be tests done in other parts of the body to get better results instead of the false results. Taking blood from another location in the body will allow the patient to get the true positive or negative that they need to tell if they have the

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