
Genetic Engineering Dbq

Decent Essays

There have been many advances in genetic applications over the years. These improvements have sparked a slather of controversy throughout the nation. While some are excited about the realm of possibilities genetic engineering provides, most have a hard time finding the morality of it.

Genetic engineering focuses on the physical and intellectual parts of life, it does not take into account the emotional and relational aspects. We need to be aware of the unintended social, personal, and cultural consequences genetic engineering provide before we continue to make harmful advances. When we're allowed the liberty to design our offspring, naturally we will choose to have intelligent, good-looking children. This will create a lack of genetic diversity in society. Genetic alterations don't allow individuals to express freedom in their given talents and strengths because their talents and strengths are chosen for them. Source B states "The reason we care so much about the new genetics is that we sense that this area of science will touch on the deepest matters of human life, such as how we …show more content…

We are each in control of our own body, each of us are allowed to decide what we do with it and what alterations are made to it. Why should we be able to make those decisions for someone who cannot agree to them? The bottom-line is that we shouldn't. In Source C, McElroy shares a story of a couple who deliberately engineered deafness into their child. Later in the article she makes the argument that " If deafness is to be considered a cultural choice, let it be the choice of the child, not the parents. Let a child with all five senses decide to renounce or relinquish one of them in order to embrace what may be a richer life. If a child is rendered incapable of deciding "yes" or "no", then in what manner is it a choice." Regardless if you think the decisions you're making are "beneficial" they are not your decisions to

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