
Genetic Disorders: Down Syndrome

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The possessor of this genotype has the genetic disorder called Down syndrome. Down syndrome is caused by this person having chromosome 21, which is also called Trisomy 21. There are different things you see in people with Down syndrome such as, different physical and mental traits. This genetic condition varies between each person with this genetic disorder. They all have similar features, but do not look the same.
Down syndrome was fist described by John Langdon Down in 1866, but the earliest depiction of someone with Down syndrome was a painting dated in 1515. John Langdon Down had said it was only a disorder, but did not understand how it occurs. The cause was later discovered in 1959.
Down syndrome is a genetic disorder caused by two copies …show more content…

The two types of tests are Screening tests and the Diagnostic test. The Screening test is done with an ultra sound or a blood tests when the woman is in her first or second trimester. The Diagnostic test has two options such as chorionic villus samplingor amniocentesis. These two tests detect anything wrong with the fetus. The doctor can also tell if it has Down syndrome when the baby is born based on how it looks and after its physical exam. The doctor takes a blood test to make sure the baby has Down syndrome or not. The blood test can take a couple of weeks to get the results. According to Down Syndrome Education International,” Worldwide, we estimate that 220,000 babies are born every year with Down syndrome.”(Down Syndrome Education International, …show more content…

Research has said that this random occurrence has nothing to do with the activity from the mother or father or the environment. National Institutes of Health says, “In more than 90% of cases, the extra copy of chromosome 21 comes from the mother in the egg. In about 4% of the cases, the father provides the extra copy of chromosome 21 through the sperm. In the remaining cases, the error occurs after fertilization, as the embryo grows.” (National Institutes of Health, 2012.”
There are specific things to look for in people who have Down syndrome. According to WebMD, things to look for are, “Distinctive facial features, such as a flat face, small ears, slanting eyes, and a small mouth. A short neck and short arms and legs. Low muscle tone (hypotonia) and loose joints. Muscle tone usually improves by late childhood. Below-average intelligence.” (WebMD, 2005.) They do not all look alike. Some may have different shaped features such as, different eye shape, nose shape, head shape, or mouth. Many children with Down syndrome tend to look like their mother or

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