
Genesis Vs Gilgamesh Research Paper

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Many people all over the world have read the famous story of Genesis; after all it is one of the most widely read books in the world. The main concept from the Gilgamesh flood story and the Genesis flood story is the biggest similarity of the two. They also differ in smaller details in the events that take place. The stories are particularly the same, but when comparing the details within, the two flood stories highly stories highly differ. In both versions of the flood story something angers God (Genesis) and the gods (Gilgamesh). Looking closely at both stories, the reason for taking out humanity immensely differs. The humans are so wicked and evil: “It repented the Lord that he had made man on earth, and grieved him at his heart (“Genesis …show more content…

In both, an inclemency rages and wipes out everyone and everything accept the passengers on board the ark. In the Gilgamesh story the gods cry and that engenders the incredibly destructive flood. “The great gods of heaven and hell wept” (“From Epic of Gilgamesh”26). The rains last for six days and six nights in the Gilgamesh version, and determinately when the waters receded the boat landed on Nisir “On the mountain of Nisir the boat held fast, she held fast and did not budge.”(From Epic of Gilgamesh”27). On that mountain of Nisir the boat strongly withheld for seven days. In the Genesis story God sends down the flood with his divine potency.” And on the seventh day the waters of the Flood came upon the earth.”(“Genesis 6-9” 46). The rain transpires for longer in the Genesis story than the Gilgamesh story. “The rain fell on the earth forty days and forty nights.” (“Genesis 6-9” 46).as the waters receded it landed on Mt. Ararat. It is here for approximately two and a moiety months later until the other mountain tops surface. In both you have the same fundamental storyline, but as one can optically discern the more minuscule details are

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