
Genesis 1 And 2: Non Literal Interpretation

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Major arguments for a literal interpretation of Genesis 1 and 2 are what will happen if you do not take the interpretation literal. If the readers decide that the word day does not mean day, then a stream of thought will flow that the word man does not mean man. This interpretation is dangerous because through one man came the fall of men, and through another man, Jesus, came the salvation of humanity. If one were to walk the path of a non-literal interpretation, then it could be possible for them to make a jump that Jesus was a non-literal being. This is major argument against a nonliteral argument. A major argument against a literal interpretation of Genesis 1 and 2 is the fact that carbon dating exists. Scientific advancements have made it easier to tell the age of …show more content…

However, the literal approach has a stronger argument than a non-literal interpretation. I believe that Old Earth Creationism has the strongest argument because it has the most evidence to back it up. Not only does it have scientific evidence to support the belief that the world took more than 6 days to create, but it also has contextual and biblical evidence as well. The arguments that supported the Old Earth Creationism ideas were the easiest to understand and could help bridge the gap between believers and unbelievers in the world. It may be a surprise that I believe the literal approach has the better argument when I choose the Old Earth instead of Young Earth, but that is because of the case that literal interpretation builds. When using a non-literal interpretation, it is easier to get caught up in small arguments that may tear down your faith rather than build it up. I believe a literal interpretation is the interpretation that will cause the most introspectiveness, while also maintaining a belief that can be tested throughout the

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