
General Theory Of Evolution In 1800's Science

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In the 1800’s science originated from religion; rarely did scientists go against the churches’ view. In 1859, a man named Charles Darwin published his book-Origin of the Species- which went against all the church beliefs; Charles Darwin presented his theory of evolution. Evolution has many misconceptions, such as: evolution’s real definition and how evolution works, what scientists believe today and how evolution has progressed in today’s medical field.
First, most people believe that evolution is the accusation humans came from monkeys, however that is just an example of evolution. “Darwin’s general theory presumes the development of life from non-life and stresses a purely naturalistic (undirected) ‘descent with modification’” (“Darwin’s …show more content…

Humans are the most advanced creatures on the planet with advanced logical skills to incredible technology invented by people. Nevertheless, people take advantage of resources until there are none left. “If the mass extinction most scientists agree we’re expecting now is allowed to continue, it will be the first time in the history of life on Earth that a single species would be responsible for such a catastrophe” (“Frequently Asked Questions…” np). If people conserved resources better, these resources could replenish their supply, reducing the risk of extinction. In addition, there are many factors involved with being the most fit. “In fact, they may be relatively weak, small and not particularly intelligent. What makes an individual fit all depends on the environment at the time and the combination of traits that are most suited to flourishing in it” (O’Neil np). For example, a polar bear will be able to overcome the extreme artic climate; regardless, the brown bear would not survive in the arctic. Although both are species of bears, the polar bear is fit for the arctic and the brown bear is …show more content…

The first one is directional selection, “Directional selection occurs when natural selection favors one extreme of continuous variation. Over time, the favored extreme will become more common and the other extreme will be less common or lost” (“Types of Natural Selection” np). An analogy for this would be having brown hair or red hair; an individual with red hair is rarer and more noticeable than an individual with brown hair. Another example: “If thicker-shelled oysters are more resistant to breakage than thinner-shelled oysters, crabs will be less able to prey upon them, and thicker shelled oysters will be more likely to survive to reproduce” (“Types of Natural Selection” np). Organisms with beneficial traits, will survive and reproduce, while organisms without beneficial traits will die. The second type is stabilizing selection, “Stabilizing selection occurs when natural selection favors the intermediate states of continuous variation. Over time, the intermediate states become more common and each extreme variation will become less common or lost” (“Types of Natural Selection” np). This means any organism with extreme traits-like color-would result in organisms preyed upon more often. For example, “…very light-colored or very dark-colored oysters might be more frequently preyed upon by

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