
General Douglas Macauthur's Early Military Career

Decent Essays

General Douglas Macauthur was born in Little Rock, Arkansas on January 26, 1880. He was born into a family with a military line. His father, Arthur Macauthur, was a well-known general. Macauthur’s early child hood was spent on western frontier outposts where his army officer father was stained. Macauthur began to excel upon. Entering the military academy in west Point, New York in 1899. He graduated first in his class in 1903, with the highest average at the academy in twenty-five years. After graduation General Douglas Macauthur was commissioned as a junior officer in the Army Corps of Engineers. This early Military career was marked with frequent predictions and led to posts in countries around the world including the Philippines, Japan, Mexico, and in 1914, France. …show more content…

When the United States declared war on Germany the 42nd was created and Macauthur was promoted to school. After returning from Europe he became Superintendent of west point which he held for the next three years. During this time he was promoted to brislader, General of the army and also named his first wife, Louise Cramwell Brookswhich. He divorced in 1929. In 1935, president Franklin D. Roosevelt chose Macauthur as his military adducer to the Philippines. He named his second wife, Jean Farrecloth, in 1937, and she gave birth the following year to their son Author. July 1941, Macauthur was recalled for active duty and became commander of the U.S. forces. A Japanese invasion that same year drove Macauthur’s forces from the country. Macauthur launched a number of successful offensive, against the Japanese military. During the year 1945, at the end of the war, President Hamy S. Truman appointed Macauthur Supreme Allied Commander. For the next six years he remained in Japan, to oversee the rebuilding of the

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