
Gender and Movie Selection Essay example

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Gender and Movie Selection


A very diverse, broad, and extensive industry is the filmmaking industry. However, the unique aspect of the industry is that it is so expansive in all of the different categories and types of movies, but yet each film is individualized. A certain characteristic of a movie may appeal to one person and not another. Such characteristics may not only appeal to an individual but to a certain group of people. Could it be that characteristics of a film appeal to either the male gender or the female gender? Is there a difference in the category of movie that a male chooses as opposed to one that a female chooses? Such questions prove to be very interesting and …show more content…

During the observation, I observed ten males and ten females in the video section of Giant Eagle at 7:00pm on a Friday night. All of the twenty subjects were of college age and appeared to be at the store alone. I specially looked for the type of movie each person would select. By doing this observation, I anticipated to see what people really choose. Since the subjects were unaware that I was watching them, they had no pressure to select a certain type of movie and could chose freely. In other ways of collecting data such as a survey or interview, people may be reluctant to be honest about some details. Through observation, there were no doubts if the subject was being dishonest because they freely chose the movie without even realizing I was watching them.

A second route that I chose to collect data was to administer a survey to ten college age people. Of these ten people, five of them were females and five of them were males. The survey was given to these people while they were in their college dorm rooms. There were six questions on the survey, including a gender question, how many movies does the subject watch in an average month, and what are these movies classified as, adventure or romance/romantic comedy. The final two questions dealt with who the subject mostly watches movies with and if they normally get to choose the movie when watching one

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