
Gender Stereotypes In Shakespeare's Othello

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The female gender is stereotypically played as the powerless one, it shows the idea of women’s inequality to men. In the play Othello by Shakespeare, Shakespeare portrays the stereotypical roles of women. Rather than having a passive role, society show’s how the women had an strong role and an big impact on the male characters.
In the Elizabethan era women are shown powerless and only there for men’s desires. Although they are shown through stereotypes, Shakespeare did not depict an equal portrayal of genders. The women of Othello were prominent in showing how significant they are to society and to Shakespeare’s play. Emilia is very like Desdemona and provides a feminist voice in Othello. After Othello ask Desdemona where his handkerchief, …show more content…

They are all but stomachs, and we are all but food; They eat us hungerly, and when they are full, they belch us." (3.4.98-101). Emilia is very outspoken about her opinions on the issue of equality for women during her time. As well as the injustice that Desdemona endured. Desdemona had a lot of obedience’s towards Othello showing the effects of a forced determination to please her spouse, even though it led to her death. In the quote Emilia shows how strong she is when she told Desdemona that it does not take a long time to find out what men are really like. She depicts the idea that men think alike, they believe that women she be all innocence, pure, and only there for there own desire. These stereotypes have a big role to the male characters because it goes against society. Furthermore, Desdemona has an impowering role showing her innocence and pureness. Desdemona stereotype depicts her when she does anything for Othello or does anything he says. Othello orders Desdemona to go to bed and she replied with “I will my lord” (4.3.10). Desdemona has challenged the stereotype of being naïve and weak. Also, Desdemona has challenged these stereotypes because she does not take kindly to the accusations about her

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