
Gender Stereotypes: Gender And Gender Analysis

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Ever since its inception in 1892, Vogue has catered its offering to high class women. To characterize the typical Vogue reader, picture this: a twenty-nine year old woman who lives in Manhattan, with an upper level position in a PR firm. Picture this woman decked out in today’s latest and greatest designers, a Louis Vuitton purse, a Michael Kors bracelet, sunglasses by Gucci and shoes by Louboutin. This is in essence Vogue’s target market. Vogue has long been a magazine that has promoted ideologies of class by celebrating upper class life and denigrating the working class. According to Douglas Kellner, dominant ideologies serve to “reproduce social relations of domination and subordination.” In terms of the ever-controversial LeBron/Giselle …show more content…

In terms of the dominant ideology of race, the Vogue cover depicts LeBron as the typical fierce, athletic black man while Giselle is depicted as the dainty, white trophy woman. Dominant ideologies of race use racist representations of people of color and various minority groups. These ideologies make inequalities appear natural. (Kellner p.9) The LeBron/Giselle cover photo definitely plays off of the longstanding stereotype of the black male, as well as the white woman. In society, the black male has often been characterized as violent and aggressive. The dominant ideology of society stereotypes black males as either gangbangers, rappers, or athletes. In terms of the white woman, she is often characterized as weak and dainty. Society stereotypes beautiful white women like Giselle often as the trophy wife, with little to no value of their own. In society’s …show more content…

According to Kellner, the dominant ideology of sexuality promotes homophobia. (Kellner p.9) Society has constructed the view of the male in that if he doesn’t act a certain way he is less of a man, or even worse in society’s construct, a homosexual. To view how this dominant ideology is at play, one must examine LeBron’s appearance on the magazine cover. LeBron is doing everything the dominant alpha male is supposed to be doing. He’s holding a beautiful woman, screaming ferociously to assert his dominance, as well as holding a basketball, to indicate his prowess at sports. Everything LeBron is doing on the cover is what a man is supposed to do, according to society’s construct of a man. The ideology of sexuality interconnects with the ideologies of race and gender here as well. LeBron is supposed to be the strong, black alpha male. According to those dominant ideologies, LeBron isn’t allowed to sure emotion or sway from his role of dominance. If LeBron strays from any of the constructs placed upon him, he’d immediately be under scrutiny from the whole

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