
Gender Stereotypes

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Stereotypes are very apparent in today’s world and greatly affect the viewpoint of a large majority of the people. Based on a study of gender stereotypes and gender roles in 15 countries, these “normalities” are set into a child’s brain by the age of 10. It’s very easy to assume something about someone based on their exterior traits, but sometimes assumptions can be more than an innocent mistake.
More specifically, a lack of masculinity in a male can often cause someone to be skeptical of the man’s sexuality if said man identifies as straight, and some believe that being gay renders someone less of a man than someone that’s heterosexual. Effeminacy and femininity do not automatically make a man gay or less of a man than one with masculine characteristics.
In premier support, outside characteristics and appearance should not affect a man’s sexuality or personality. Around the world, different cultures value different styles and looks. Something viewed as ‘girly’ in one place may be the average and accepted look in another place. Other countries, such as South Korea, value beauty and presentation of their people more than others do. Sales of men’s skincare products in 2015 averaged $39 for every South Korean man yearly. This country far outspent Australian men, who averaged $3.30 each. As a part of certain cultures, men can …show more content…

It’s just as possible for a rugged, masculine man, or a slipshod, careless man, to identify as gay as it is for the ‘pretty’ guys. Stereotypes make a general statement about a large group of people. Femininity being connected to homosexuality is just a stereotype that judges who someone is attracted to based solely on the way they act. A poll of more than 5,000 gay men found that 71% of them have found themselves sexually turned off by a prospective partner because he showed signs of

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