
Gender Stereotypes

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To see a positive portrayal of an integral part of oneself is to feel validated as a human being. To recognize a face similar to your own be loved through the pages of a book or the glare of a screen can be emotionally overwhelming for minorities who often see themselves portrayed either in a negative light, or no light at all. For women, LGBTQIA, and people of colour, the onslaught of prejudice and removal of their persons from the media is a sad, but an unfortunate true reality.
Despite critical success of films led by female protagonists (The Hunger Games, Brave) approximately 11% of films since 2012 have featured a female lead. According to Dr. Stacy Smith of USC Annenburg, male characters continue to outnumber female characters 3 to 1 …show more content…

In G-rated family films, any workers in the field of law, politics, medical science, or as a business leader, 80.5% were male and 19.5% were female; a harsh contrast to the 50% of women who comprise the workforce. Much like television and films, the video game industry does not have a firm grasp of representation with only 20% of protagonists, 10% of games, 0% of main series games and 9% of overall protagonist possessing a female lead. The Bechdel Test is an incredibly low standard assessment that states that a piece of television or film should 1) have at least two named women in it, 2) who talk to each other 3) about something besides a man. A laughably simply concept and yet, out of a database of 5757 films found at, only 57.5% (3309) pass all three tests, 10.3% (591) pass two tests, 21.9% (1261) pass one test, and 10.4% (596) pass none of the above. There are limited roles available for women, but just …show more content…

Scarce LGBTQIA+ friendly films and television stems from the belief that the well-oiled machine of straight, cisgender, white, male characters are perfectly presentable, and that anything outside of the ‘normal’ criteria will not sell, will not invite a wide audience. TV series, Orange Is the New Black, features nine LGBTQIA+ main characters (one of which is a trans female played by Laverne Cox, a trans female herself) and yet Hank Stuever (television critic for The Washington Post) gave the show a perfect score, along with many other high ratings from critics. The show has been nominated for fifty-three awards, which proves that the notion of queer characters lowers ratings false. At San Diego Comic Con, a queer fan of TV series Orphan Black spoke to the actress, Tatiana Maslany, who played a lesbian character on the show, told of how her mother, through the character, began to see her daughter as family again and the fans relationship with her mother began to rebuild. If a fictional manifestation of an identity helps to mend the bond between a mother and daughter, imagine what having a myriad of queer characters on the large and small screen would accomplish. When children grow up consistently seeing that someone like them who talks and walks and feels as they

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