
Gender Roles and the Cuban Revolution of 1959 Essay

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As the saying goes, history often times repeats itself and one can easily see how revolutions brought the greatest results of countries, like the United States for example who gained its liberation from Great Britain. The Cuban Revolution of 1959 was a battle for independence fought by women for their liberation of traditional gender roles. This Revolution for Independence was not only an abolition of capitalism, but it was a revolution in the changes of gender roles and relations. Before the revolution, women had little importance in society, but with their perseverance, women gained status due to their participation in the Revolution of Cuba and changed how they were perceived and became valuable assets. Many have misconceptions of the …show more content…

These ideas and goals of liberation and a "new society" were easily met because the citizens were thriving for better and "improved" life as Guevera promised, and thus were willing to work hard and do anything necessary to obtain. The third goal for Cuba was completely altering the current national policy and changing it into a communist country. With this transformation of the Cuban government and redistribution of land and wealth, the power of selected Cuban families were changed economically, politically, and socially by the revolution. This change affected women especially, as Castro stated "a people whose women fight alongside men – that people is invincible” (Azicri 1979). The traditional roles of women were challenged by this revolution. Pre-Revolution, Cuban women had tradition roles like any other Latin American countries such as social inequalities, gender gap, subordination and oppression, and wage differences. It wasn't until 1934 that women received the right to vote and in 1940 when the constitution was changed making men and women officially equal. But even with the constitutional equality, women were living in a country were machismo was heavily present that created a blockage of gender roles in the Latin American hemisphere (Chase 2010). Women held low-paying jobs, discrimination, and no benefits. About

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