
Gender Roles In American Cultures

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Gender roles determine the way society works, and the way it views people. Whether it is considered unfair or not, there are many factors that are created from gender roles. Almost all parts of English life from 1674 to 1913 was influenced by gender(Clive, 1.) This way of life made a lasting impression, causing the years to follow to develop and abide by what is known as gender roles. Although gender roles have become a lot more diverse in society, there are still stereotypes and misconstrued gender identity, gender-specific expectations, and gender-specific separation and gaps that still exist today.
Gender is a concept that is not exactly based on those physical characteristics but on what society culturally associates with and expects from those who have those characteristics. One example is in the Tchambuli culture in New Guinea. Gender roles for females include doing the manufacturing and the hunting and gathering as well as controlling the government and economics in the community. Tchambuli males are expected to be dependent, amorous, and self-centered about their appearance, often dressing up with flowers and jewelry. In this culture, the male interests are activities like artistry, crafting, games, and theatre performances(Boon, 1.) If gender roles were biologically determined, the many differences between American cultures and many other cultures, such as the Tchambuli culture, gender roles may not exist. Therefore, it must be relevant that cultures are also a

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