
Gender Roles In The Golden Compass And Harry Potter

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The Golden Compass and the Harry Potter serious are both very well known and loved by many. In both stories the main characters are faced with challenges that force them to think and overcome obstacles. However, the way each book handles how the characters are able to b tackle those problems differ slightly. In the Golden Compass, Lyra tries to avoid books and the teachers around the place she calls home, Jordan College. She would prefer to play and learn through forming her own opinions and by making mistakes. Meanwhile, in Harry Potter the emphasis on book learning couldn't be more apparent, nearly the entire book takes place inside a school. While both books encourage learning, the Golden Compass takes an experience approach rather than …show more content…

Despite her elders, Lyra tries to avoid every lecture that she possibly can. The book gives an overall feeling that book learning is not very important. Even when Lyra does attend a lecture, she struggles to pay attention and often forgets what she was taught anyway. All the scholars that lecture her know this despite still making efforts. Lyra is the type of character that wants no part of a structured education and instead would rather adventure out on her own and learn from the world through experience and mistakes. It shows throughout the story that this is effective and helped her to develop strong instincts. Also, nearly all the people Lyra looks up to and ends up supporting throughout the book have not received an organized education, the main people being the gyptians. The other characters like …show more content…

The school and class the main characters take part in don’t only give them the tools they need to succeed but are a big part in developing their character. The houses of Hogwarts are the main way the school shapes what the characters will be like because they are placed into a house based on their personality. Both the house system and the large emphasis on books is very important for Harry especially. He knows nothing about being a wizard and having the massive library of Hogwarts with all the knowledge he needs help him to learn about the new world he now finds himself in. Also, Harry has had a terrible childhood being forced to live with a family that shows very little love towards him. The houses at Hogwart help him to form bonds with the others into his house and form a family of his own where he can feel wanted by the people around him. Knowing and being able to cast spells is obviously essential to being a good wizard, which is why the students have so many different classes for them to learn all aspects of magic. Nearly all the spells used or learned in the book were taught directly by a teacher in a classroom. The school provides the tools any students needs to become a great and successful wizard. Harry, Hermione and Ron even use books for their own personal interests outside of class to help them with their adventures around the school. The main example of this is when they

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