
Gender Roles In Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter

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The Puritanical society is still known today for it’s strict religious views and gender roles. They had traditional conservative beliefs, their goal being to break away from the corrupt Anglican church and “purify” theirs to be “as a City upon a Hill”, a model for other communities (Winthrop 1). Their gender roles were as conservative as their beliefs, men being superior over women. Women had specific jobs and roles within the community, such as housework, parenting, and things of a similar nature. If one failed to fall within these standards and beliefs, they were considered an outcast. In The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, Hester is outcast for committing adultery. However, she uses her punishment to her advantage, and completely …show more content…

Most women relied on a man in their lives to do the important work, while they stuck to simple tasks and jobs. Hester didn’t rely on anybody but herself, living alone away from her village. She completed the tasks women were expected to complete, plus additional ones to be able to be successful on her own. She did all of this herself, including raising her daughter, Pearl. The magistrates themselves saw this as odd, and threatened Hester’s guardianship over Pearl, to which she argued that “God gave her into” her keeping, and that she wouldn’t give the girl up (Hawthorne 189). She continued to argue in order to keep Pearl, showing her strength and ambition as a woman. Hester’s needlework also showed how she worked with being outcast as an adulteress. She decorated “The letter A, in scarlet, fantastically embroidered with gold thread, upon her bosom” (Hawthorne 100) elaborately and beautifully, earning comments from many local women, many admiring her sewing. She made the punishment look pretty, almost as if it were an accessory you’d wear around. Hester wanted to be proud, “little will she care what they put upon the bodice of her gown!” (Hawthorne 87). By stepping out of these guidelines to become an independent woman, Hester defied the Puritanical way of life, her becoming a feminist

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