
Gender Roles In Memoirs Of A Geisha By Arthur Golden

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In Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden, exhibition of gender inequality refers to the general standards of individual’s behaviours within society that is expected to sustain. However, it manifests the effects of unequal gender roles through Sayuri’s experience with human trafficking, which is imposed from social norms. To begin, when Sayuri reflects on her childhood experience with a man, who has transition her life drastically, expresses: “ [Sayuri] [cannot] stop thinking about Mr. Tanaka. He [has] taken [Sayuri] from [her] mother and father, sold [her] into slavery, sold [her] sister into something even worse” (Golden 82). Sayuri explains her traumatic experience as a child and how it has effectively impacted her because she is captured from her family members. …show more content…

Sayuri demonstrates gender inequality imposed by societal standards because as a young girl, her and her sister is lured into human trafficking, as she is sold into slavery and her sister is sold into something worse. This traumatic experience also has imprinted her life because this is something Sayuri cannot stop thinking about. It leads to the opposition of social norms because the power men has over women and the idea that women should not be treated this way. This idea is furthered through Asian Policy Point, a Washington research center studying the U.S. relationship with Japan’s society because it is the society of Sayuri’s traumatic experience, stating: “Japan is recognized as having one of the most serve human trafficking problems among the major industrialized democracies” (Asia Policy Point 1). Within this, this organization implies that women and children are most vulnerable. Women are known to be housewives and the power of men has over women will make them believe that they have a job opportunity to offer them. This is evident because Boron manipulates Sayuri and sister, which later on are taken away into human trafficking in

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