
Gender Roles Equal Inequality A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen

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Beauty models, movie stars, and music artists have become role models for thousands of people despite submitting to gender roles and stereotypes. Even though some teens may believe that they are immune to the presence of these gender roles, the media, society, their cultural beliefs, and their peers are capable of influencing them into changing their opinions and life choices. An example of this is how Nora is treated like a doll and a child by her husband and blindly accepts the life that society says she should live in A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen. Despite the stereotypes that exist in her society, Mrs. Linde goes beyond the expectations and the restrictions of a stereotypical of woman because she supports her sick mother and her younger brothers in multiple places including “a small shop [and] then a small school…” (Ibsen 19). Nora is treated like “[Helmer’s] doll-wife…” (Ibsen 76) because she has become accustomed to being controlled by the men in her life. She tells her husband that throughout her marriage, she was unable to express her own thoughts and opinions and “so [she] got the same tastes as [Helmer]” (Ibsen 76). In this statement, Nora is describing an archetypical conflict of Innate Wisdom vs. Educated Stupidity because while she argues about the necessity of learning who she is and being equal to her husband, he use invalid arguments based on societies expectations. Furthermore, Nora has had an epiphany in which she realizes that her marriage is not

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