
Gender-Neutral Restrooms: Acceptance Or Rejection In Public Places

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Gender-Neutral Restrooms: Acceptance or Rejection in Public Places Throughout time, men and women have used restrooms according to their respective sex. Females go through the door with a picture of a person resembling a woman and males go through the door with a picture of a person resembling a man. Now, as people are more willing to express themselves by living a certain lifestyle, such as being a transgender person, going to public restrooms has become more complicated. There are some people who believe that transgender people should not use restrooms if they are not their assigned biological sex. By creating gender-neutral restrooms, people do not have to feel discriminated or harassed if they are denied access to the restroom. If people are uncomfortable, using a gender-neutral restroom creates a safe space of no-judgement. Anyone can benefit from using this restroom, if they have children of another gender or people who …show more content…

Gender segregated restrooms can be intimidating for transgender people because they do not want to be seen as someone they are not. Especially in schools when children typically begin to accept their new gender, making them feel safe will help them maintain their academics, so they are not constantly worrying about which restroom to use. By redesigning stalls to make sure they are private enough, anyone is free to use it. Many college students feel anxious and resort to using a restroom further away because they are safer and more private, or avoid using campus restrooms altogether (Beemyn, Curtis, Davis, & Tubbs, 2005). Many students are questioning their sexuality and gender identity earlier in life and coming out at young ages so going to an existing restroom might be difficult for them. Therefore, a school should be able to be supportive of their concerns and create a safe space for them to prevent bullying and other negative

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