
Gender Inequality In Society

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Our American Society has a pattern of gender stratification. There is an unequal distribution of wealth, power, and privilege between men and women. Gender has been a means of categorization for constructing a hierarchy throughout American history. Gender affects the opportunities and constraints we face throughout our lives. An important pattern of inequality that exists on the basis of gender is profession.
Society has specific expectations when it comes to the jobs that men and women have. There are "pink-collar jobs" that women are expected to choose for their profession. These jobs are in the administrative support, food services, child care, and healthcare sectors. These jobs are typically at the low end of the pay scale, have limited opportunities for advancement, and include male supervisors. Culturally, a women who chooses to pursue a career outside of these "pink-collar jobs" is considered deviant. Similarly, society would disapprove of a man pursuing a secretary career. Men dominate most of the other jobs in the workforce. The high majority of business owners and executives are men. This massive gender imbalance has characterized the American professional scene since women started entering the workforce. Society has defined certain kinds of work as "men's work" and defined women as less competent than men. For this reason, the American workplace has become a patriarchy.

These expectations originate in the education system. In schools, boys are

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