
Gender Expectations Of Body Image For Men And Women

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Body image is how one views himself or herself when looking in the mirror, and the body image expectations put forth in our society today is ridiculous. Although many “plus-sized” models are starting to appear in advertisements, there is still a perceived body image for all women to be youthful, slender, and attractive, while males must be buff, tan, and handsome. These are only some of the many expectations men and women have to deal with on a daily basis in order to have the “perfect body”. But many of these images on billboards, magazines, TV, and movies are “unattainable because they were created through surgeries, eating disorders, and airbrushing on photographs” (Ballantine, Roberts, Korgen 299). The National Center for Health Statistics …show more content…

Looking at body image through gender roles, men and women go through gender socialization, in which they learn the about the cultural norms to their gender. Meso-level agents of socialization such as corporations create materials that socialize children into their socially approved gender. Mass media is a major agent of socialization that corporations use to influence men and women. Body image for men and women is incorporated with gender socialization and there are many advertisements that promote the perfect body image. The pressure of needing a perfect body to in order draw desired reactions deals with Charles Cooley’s social psychological concept of the looking-glass self. The looking-glass self is apart of the symbolic interaction theory, the idea that we impact each other every day with symbols that we have created. There are three main principles to the looking-glass self. At first, we are self conscious of how we want to appear to others. Next, we take the judgements other make on us. Finally, we interpret how that individual views us and then react. Essentially, our self-image is shaped by society and how we believe that people see us. Approximately 24 million men and women have an eating disorder, many of which is attributed to the way people view them and what they aspire to look like. The gender role expectation of women needing to have a perfect body can lead to depression and health problems. As for men, the bodybuilder stature can lead to anxiety, guilt, or even early death. At this point, a rational choice theorist should step in and weigh the costs against the benefits. The benefits for men and women are that they will be accepted and look the way they want. But the costs are health issues, self-criticism, relationship strains, and he or she are adhering to the gender roles society has put forth. Although most humans are judgmental,

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