
Gender Dysphoria Sociology

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Social Factors Contributing to Gender Dysphoria Gender can be characterized as the state of being male or female. It is not characterized by what an individual feels they should be considered as. Throughout the movie it is shown that Bree is not comfortable with the gender she was born with. She says “nothing is going to stop me from checking into that hospital next week. I’m not going to be dragged back into Stanley's old life.” She tries so hard to separate herself from the truth of her being a male. It is shown that she wants to receive acceptance from society by listening to voice records on how to have a higher pitched voice, and trying to schedule her vaginoplasty. Social factors contributed to Gender Dysphoria include culture, race, …show more content…

This was very much a subliminal towards her parents that she had no support or respect towards her decision to become a woman. But due to her parents religion, they did not support her decision. She continues on to say that Toby would know that he's respected. Another place in the movie where Bree’s mother tries to get her to conform is in 1:20:42 when she begs Bree to not get her vaginoplasty done, because she misses her son. Bree retaliates and says “Mom you never had a son”. This opens up a can of worms and brings her mother to distraught. An example of how such environment would cause Gender Dysphoria is by forcing a person to engage in cultural norms of a gender. Elizabeth, Bree’s mother, is so stuck in her religious ways that she tried everything to “straighten” Bree out. In 1:09:56 Elizabeth says “You know what I see when I look at you? . . . I see a lost soul crying out for help. This would never have happened, if you had only come to church when you were little, instead of going to that synagog of your fathers.” But it only pushed her daughter further away. Bree even tried to commit suicide, because she wasn't happy being a male. Bree does not identify with masculinity and tries to escape from the imposed role to an extreme opposite role of a women. A way in which

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