
Gender And Homophobia Essay

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The second topic I will be analyzing from C.J. Pascoe’s book is gender and more specifically the subcategory of masculinity. It is defined as “gender is a term that refers to social or cultural distinctions associated with being male or female. Gender identity is the extent to which one identifies as being either masculine or feminine.” (Little et al, 12.1). But gender identity is something different. Someone’s gender identity is an extremely important and personal thing, especially to young males who have, are constantly worried about wondering if their male peers think they are gay, and then, therefore, they might question their gender. With this comes bullying, and usually permanent and deeply emotional hurtful nicknames. When a male peer …show more content…

Gender and masculinity are not just a topic related to males but females as well. When it comes to females being lesbian it is considered socially acceptable but males are not allowed to be. A lesbian is considered sexy, a male’s fantasy but a male himself being attracted to another male is not, I believe this is extremely biased. Some females are referred to as “tomboys” growing up and usually grow out of it before high school, but some females just do not like dressing up, prefer no makeup and just being comfortable. If a female decides to continue this as they get older people begin to question their sexuality and just assume they are lesbian or bisexual. I can speak from personally experience as I have always not worn makeup, was not a fan of girly things, and played sports my whole life so people began to question my sexuality. It has a lasting effect on you and is always in the back of your mind. River High has a group of girls in a similar situation and they are known as the “basketball girls.” The reason is because they play sports and do not dress up it assumed they are lesbian but this surprisingly boosts their

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