Running Header: Case Study Assignment Case Study Assignment Part One: 1. Assumptions: Kelly: Chief Engineer of Product Software ➢ Marketing people don’t seem to have any understanding of – just throwing away money at a problem doesn’t make it go away ➢ Believes that the only feature they can work with is identifying customers through retinal scanning; no other features can be produced ➢ The numbers that they came up with he feels are very optimistic ➢ That Pat shows a complete lack of knowledge of how the product actually works ➢ Assumes the Program is not going to work ➢ Assumes Pat went behind his back and talked to his programmers ➢ That the product can not be completed in 6 …show more content…
Kelly Thomas ➢ Sound and logical: Kelly is right about the manpower of the company is weak due to the recent cutbacks. The man power is not strong enough to run the product line and produce the finished product on time. Chris Martinas ➢ Sound and Logical: Chris’ argument is valid because the company needs to cut the budget by 15% in order to stay afloat. By producing a new and innovative product this will help to keep the company in business. 4. Describe specific fallacious arguments and identify the people who hold them. ➢ Ad hominem: Kelly: “To do what, argue again”? ; This statement made by Kelly to Pat when asked when was a good time to meet, by Pat. ➢ Ad hominem: Pat: “BTW I know what QC means; I don’t appreciate the snide remarks”. ➢ Slippery Slope: BTW don’t go behind my back to talk to my programmers, they have enough to do than dealing with you: This was said in an email from Kelly to Pat. ➢ Slippery Slope: “Never mind I will get this done without you. All you want to do is the same old things the same old way and CYA in the process, I don’t need this”. This statement was made by Pat to Kelly because Pat was very furious with Kelly. The emails just kept
applied for calculating the cost base (Div 114). The cost base of the premise (s110-25)
stems from two main factors, lack of awareness of the company’s products due to limited
Scenario: John is a 4 year-old boy who was admitted for chemotherapy following diagnosis of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). He had a white blood cell count of 250,000. Clinical presentation included loss of appetite, easily bruised, gum bleeding, and fatigue. Physical examination revealed marked splenomegaly, pale skin color, temperature of 102°F, and upper abdomen tenderness along with nonspecific arthralgia.
Lastly, the company suggest to expand their current inventory through increasing production and capacity. With the increase in production rate the company can gain more consumers as a whole through supply and demand. Doing this would give the company an opportunity for more exposure and perhaps better brand recognition.
However, such a campaign did not motivate the audience into buying a product or getting them interested in enquiring about the company services. Therefore, focusing on corporate image could create passive interest, which might not translate into sales, resulting in lower returns on marketing dollars. They failed to target the consumer’s needs
Mayor Switzer has been the mayor of Auburn for the last year and a half. In the last year, crime rates have gone up, unemployment has increased and many businesses have moved out of town. Voting mayor Switzer out will help solve Switzer’s crime problem, will help create jobs and will prevent businesses from having to move. Describe how well reasoned you find this argument. In the discussion be sure to analyze the reasoning and the use of evidence in the argument.
Kelly would follow up to ask Rubio to clarify what does he think of the rhetoric used by Trump. “When you are President of the United States, you have an enormous megaphone where you get to set the agenda and tone of the country,” Rubio said. “We already have President that is incredibly divisive. We should not pitting and dividing Americans against each
| Does not demonstrate understanding of ambiguous phrases; does not identify key ambiguity in the memo, includes laundry list of phrases without explanation.
The company has been functioning well in terms of generating profit and demand so far. However, there will be a 20% increase in demand for the next month of operations as predicted by management, and the production and supply management's problems may come as a problem they can no longer afford.
September, 2012. These kits sold at a rate of 4-5 minute for the first day, before
-The improvement they want to implement is bigger than they can handle, this means that everyone will have to work to together to be able to do these improvements.
Case Study One A 13-year-old named Marta displays exceeding aptitudes in athletics. Good genetics is the rationale used by her coach to explain why she is so advanced. Genetics can explain certain abilities, however there are other factors that impact on abilities. O’Donnell et al. (2016) supported the ideas that individual’s growth and development have consequently been impacted by genetics and environmental factors.
“We learned that a product doesn’t sell just because you’re trying to do good in the world. You still have to have a healthy distribution strategy, a good marketing strategy, and price the product properly.”
"We are working closely with affected employees to help them through this difficult transition. While job reductions are always difficult, we need to rebalance resources against our priorities in the current climate, and we will continue to evaluate our business to ensure that our investments are aligned to current and future revenue opportunities."
This leads me to the topic of staffing. Staffing within “The Group” is a becoming somewhat of a concern especially since several employees are expected to retire in the next year. There are rumors of a change in the company’s overall mission. Instead of working to maintain and repair the current equipment inventory, the company may shift to more of a support role for new companies that want to store and repair equipment themselves at “The Group”. The change in mission will result in a need for the completion of job analyses to help prevent employee from leaving the company due to the change