
Gay Marriage Argumentative Essay

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Many people in the United States have been refused the right to marry for many years, especially homosexuals. Gay marriage is important because, everyone has the right to pursuit of happiness; according to the Decleration of Independence. Homosexuals have been shunned for their lifestyle choices because of others religious beliefs and morals. After several years of riots and debates, Gay marriage was finally legalized on June 26, 2015. Same-Sex marriage should remain legal because, it offers many advantages to same-sex marriage such as legal benefits, stability for children, and the right to equality. To begin, Gay Marriage has many legal benefits like traditional marriage does. There are many perks to being married such as Taxes, Estate planning, medical benefits and much more. For example, A spouse gets very sick and cannot make decisions for themselves; this means that their spouse or next of kin makes the desicion for them; but the spouse has no say if unmarried. Financial state can also become a problem if partners are not …show more content…

In the fourteenth amendment it reads, "...No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States." According to the article written by Kellard, Homosexuals are law obeying, tax-paying citizenz and deserve the same rights and legal protections as well as all other people of the United States. Some may argue that it is against their religious beliefs, and although that may be true our country is not founded on religion; and congress must make decisions that better the economy and obey the constitution. Some may put religion first, but it is only fair to everyone if all citizens have equal

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