
Gay Conversion Therapy Essay

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Although various methods of Conversion Therapy have been around since sense the dawn of religion itself, the early 1900’s peaked interest in the so-called “psychiatric problem” that is homosexuality; indeed, oftentimes considered The Father of Psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud claimed that homosexuality may be removed from the brain through hypnotism or therapeutic torture. Through his widely respected claims, Freud, for a short era, influenced the decisions of many Evangelical Christians with homosexual relatives. From the establishment of small psychology centers focused on gay conversion to the opening of numerous “straight camps” for gay men and lesbians, the Freudian Era of Gay Conversion and Gender Identity Therapies led to a breakthrough in medical research regarding these ineffective treatments. All of this being true, and even with modern medicine being of abundance in our society, certain Evangelical Christian groups still intend on practicing this form of rehabilitation, but with our progressive American mindsets, these should not be bearing the heavy burden of anti-societal measures for much longer.
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By removing Aversion Therapy from this country completely, and replacing it with a much needed supportive therapy, we could reduce the number of adults and children with mental illnesses, thereby increasing our National Standard of Living and our Gross Domestic Product. All things considered, America is taking the proper route to remove Gay Aversion Therapy from our Medical Fields; however, the speed at which we are doing so, and our actions needed to mend these problems are enormously

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