
Gawain Vs Beowulf

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What makes a hero? Bravery? Sacrifice? Strength? Beowulf and Sir Gawain both exemplified these heroic traits. Beowulf was a hero of the Geatish people of ancient Sweden. When the protagonist heard the plea of King Hrothgar, Beowulf undeterredly sailed across the sea to vanquish the beast called Grendel. Presently, after Grendel was slain, he proceeded to slay Grendel’s mother, and later in life, a fire breathing dragon who would inflict a mortal wound upon Beowulf. Sir Gawain is a more chivalrous hero who offers his opponent a chance to honorably defend himself in a duel. Surprisingly, he loses, but the Green Knight gives him a year and a day to live. During that time, Gawain lives an honorable and a respectable life until they meet again. …show more content…

Heroically, Beowulf sacrificed himself to the fire breathing dragon to protect his people, the Geats. Selflessly, he allowed the dragon to inflict a venomous bite upon him, but not before he had struck a fatal blow to the evil dragon. Also, Sir Gawain was sacrificial by giving his life to the Green Knight to retain his family’s honor by never backing down from a fight. With honorable character, he also displayed honorable traits by keeping his end of the bargain to the Green Knight.

Chivalry is the final and most important quality of a worthy ruler. Sir Gawain was a very chivalrous individual. When Bertlak’s wife tried to seduce him, Sir Gawain exhibited his incredibly strong will standing firm and emphatically telling her no. As well as being a strong-willed man, he was also a Knight who had to follow a very specific code of ethics.

Some might say that these traits are unnecessary for a hero. They say being a hero merely involves killing a monster or winning a war. Violently, Beowulf slew three beasts. While this may be true, a hero possesses a better character than that. Some might say that to qualify as a hero you must be well known and accepted in society. Unsurprisingly, Beowulf’s fame was very renowned. While this statement is also true, a hero can be someone who nobody knows or somebody that died doing a very heroic action. Therefore, these two arguments are inadequate for the

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