
Gastritis Research Paper

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• Gastritis is a gastrointestinal disorder in which the lining of the stomach is irritated and inflamed. As a result, the stomach lining’s function of producing acid and enzymes that aid in the breakdown of food for absorption of essential nutrients is impaired, as well as its role in protecting the stomach from acid damage due to reduced mucus secretions. This mucosal inflammation can be attributed to a variety of causes such as: infection, excessive alcohol intake, certain drugs, bile reflux, severe stress, chronic vomiting, autoimmune diseases, and radiation therapy. The two most common causes are bacterial infections, usually associated with H. pylori, and prolonged NSAID use. If this inflammation is damaging enough, it can lead to a reduction …show more content…

It is recommended that the patient eat small and frequent meals, find ways to cope with their stress, avoid drinking alcohol and milk, and substitute NSAIDs for a different pain reliever. The patient may also require dietary supplementation with iron and vitamin B12 to make up for these nutritional deficiencies caused by their gastritis. They should also make sure that all the food they consume is completely cooked to avoid contracting bacterial infection. Asymptomatic patients do not require these dietary adjustments; pharmacological therapy with antacids, acid reducers, and antibiotics (if condition was brought on by H. pylori infection) can be initiated to improve the patient’s …show more content…

Due to the stomach’s reduced production of acid and enzymes that aid in the breakdown of food, the patient experiences indigestion very frequently. Thus, it is recommended that they eat several small meals throughout the day as opposed to the typical three large meals a day. Stress management allows the patient to avoid developing stomach ulcers, which would worsen their condition; calming activities such as meditation and yoga are recommended. Alcohol is also a stomach lining irritant that should be avoided. Though milk may provide temporary relief in neutralizing stomach acid, it can increase its production in the long run, further worsening symptoms; thus, milk consumption should also be avoided. Regular or excessive use of NSAIDs (i.e. aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen) reduce the amount of protective substances that play a role in preserving the stomach lining; because of this, an alternative pain reliever that does not cause or worsen gastritis should be used, like acetaminophen. Because the stomach is producing little to no gastric secretions, absorption of iron and vitamin B12 may be inhibited. Thus, supplementation of these nutrients is

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