
Gas Vs Diesel Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

There are various differences between gas and diesel. The

(mpg) miles per gallon differences of gas and diesel cars, mpg

differences of gas and diesel pickups, different fuel prices, how much

diesel saves you, how much gas saves you, the maintenance of gas

and diesel engines, repairs and fees, and taxes.

Differences between the two can be seen directly with the mpg

averages. The average mpg of a diesel car is 28 miles per gallon,

and the average mpg of a gas car is 25 mpg. Also the average mpg

of a diesel pickup is 19 mpg, and the average mpg of a gas pickup is

around 24 mpg

Other differences include the energy density of diesel and gas. Diesel

has a higher energy density than gasoline. One gallon of diesel

contains 147,000

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