
Gas Transportation Methods Of Natural Gas

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Natural gas is a clean and environmental friendly energy source which is estimated to constitute a major part of world energy consumption in the coming years. Usage of natural gas is increasing due to its relatively cheaper costs than diesel or gasoline. Transportation and Storage falls under the final stage of Oil and Gas processing where it gets transported to the end user for further use in industry, plant or any other facility. Transportation of natural gas remains as a challenge due to its isolated reserves throughout the world. Natural gas has more problems in transportation and storage when compared to other forms of energy such as petroleum, coal etc. The main reason is due to the energy density of natural gas which is low at ambient temperatures and pressures (Kidnay et al. 2011). So in order to transport the gas by pipeline, its energy density has to be increased using high pressures. Another problem of Natural gas due to its low energy density, lies in its storage. Natural gas is highly volatile and sophisticated storage facilities are to be provided to prevent any hazards. Therefore natural gas has to be transported continuously to the end user avoiding reasons for storage. When there is less demand for its usage, natural gas has to be converted to Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) and then stored.
Otherwise transportation of natural gas is carried out in different ways such as:
1. Pipelines
2. Compressed Natural gas (CNG)
3. Liquefied

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