
Gandhi Vs Mao

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Through the twentieth Century, multiple leaders rose up to change society to what they believed was better; two of these people were Mahatma Gandhi and Mao Zedong. They both changed their countries socially, politically, and economically. Gandhi was a nonviolent leader of a revolution against Great Britain’s ownership of India, while Chairman Mao was a dictator and founder of the People’s Republic of China. Gandhi and Mao appear utterly opposite at first glance. However, there are similarities that are uncovered as we investigate their beginnings, intentions, and dedication to what they believed in. Mohandas Gandhi was born in Porbandar, India on October 2nd, 1869. His family was rich enough to send him to a law school in London. After his education, he returned to India to start a law practice. That law …show more content…

First, they both had the same passion to change their respective countries. Mahatma Gandhi and Mao Zedong led revolutions against their governments. These two leaders organized millions to fight for their cause. Next, both leaders sympathized with the poor and wanted their society to help those in need. For example, Gandhi encouraged the poor to stand up to the British rule of India, and Mao killed off the wealthy and intelligent to help the poor and uneducated. Chairman Mao and Gandhi held to socialist views and wanted to get rid of all social classes. Also, they advocated equality for women, which was uncommon in their time. Lastly, they both broke laws and risked their lives to create change in their country. This can be seen in how Gandhi was known for peacefully refusing to follow laws that discriminated against Indians, and Mao led an entire army against the Chinese government. They both chose to fight for what they believed in rather than move away to a safer place or be content with the unfair laws that had been set in place in both of their

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