
Gandhi Essays

Better Essays

Name ___Luis Millan________________ Date ____July 21, 2014_____
Team Topic _______GANDHI______________
Discussion Guide for Gandhi Video: (Complete all 17 of these questions to answer prior to class, please.)

1. What was the principle or personal lesson that Gandhi taught his Christian clergyman friend, from the clergyman’s own law?

Gandhi taught many lessons to his Christian clergyman friend, but the principal was probably that the lesson taught in the bible need it to be implemented in real life, on each act of our life and not only be preach.

2. What was the irony of Gandhi fighting for Indian freedom while dealing with a caste system mentality in his own home?

As he was “fighting” freedom for his country from the …show more content…

Adopting the traditional clothing helped Gandhi to appear as any of the millions of Indians, leaving as a common Indian he was able to understand from firsthand the situation a difficulties that his country was facing , in addition he presented himself to the rest of the population as a real Indian.

9. What was the impact of Gandhi’s teaching as it related directly to the personal servants in the homes he visited? Was it effective?

Once again, he wanted to show to his friends, comrades and all India that they needed to free there self from the cast segregation, and have a respect for all humans at the same time they were searching from freedom. He taught them that no job or task, therefore man was less important that another, and dignity is not related to money or status.

10. What did Gandhi mean that he was not talking about “passive” revolt? Note these events: “In the end, the British will walk out”; 100,000 Englishmen cannot control 350 million Indians if they refuse to cooperate … Note the terms used: The difference between passive aggression (very popular in many personality studies today) and passive non-cooperation--The gamble of inconsistency is most damaging to which?

When Gandhi referred to his movement as an aggressive one, he was not talking about violence, he was figuratively speaking, meaning that their aggression will consist on a unstoppable non-violent movement that will

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