
Gandhi Bless Me Ultima

Decent Essays

Walking through life admiring everything it brings upon you, can bring upon many question about life and what you are meant to be. You can begin questioning yourself and who you are. What your future would look like and how would you get there. All these question are things that cross our minds at one point in our lives. A reason this happens is because of everything we go through and experience in life that makes us want to know and understand who we are as a person. Like Gandhi once said, “Your beliefs become your thoughts, Your thoughts become your words, Your words become your actions, Your actions become your habits, Your habits become your values, Your values become your destiny.”(Gandhi, Mahatma). This wise words said by Gandhi …show more content…

The family has taken in Ultima out of a respect for her healing powers, her knowledge of plant, and her service to the community. Through the book Antonio mother and father are always arguing on what would be the destiny of Antonio and this challenges himself on wanting to learn more and understand who he will become. When Antonio was born, Ultima served as his midwife and buried his afterbirth letting believe that she only knows the destiny of him. As we read through the book Antonio sees three different people die and even at the very end see Ultima die as well. Antonio Through the book also struggles to understand the conflict between his father and his brothers, but like so many of the moral questions that trouble him, it is too complicated for him to grasp. But through the book his mother tells him that he will understand when he begins to take Communion, and he begins to look forward anxiously to the day he will be old enough to do so. But when he does, he realizes that what his mother said was not what he expected because when he finished his communion he did not feel what he wanted to feel. Antonio also realizes other believes other than just the Catholic religion and starts question himself on everything and everyone that has taught him all this believes. All the things that he experiences really make Antonio question everything in his life and what he is and what he is meant to

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