
Galileo Galilei's Essay: The Trial Of Galileo

Decent Essays

In the article The Trial of Galileo, Galileo Galilei is tried for his statement that the Earth is NOT the center of the universe and in fact, the sun is the center of the universe and thus he was taken to court by the Roman Catholic Inquisition but one problem is involved, It’s the fact that Galileo is the right one in the trial and should be proven innocent.

Galileo is a Italian astronomer who is known for numerous amounts of inventions such as the balance, the pendulum telescope so much that you could now magnify enough to see planets clearly and he even discovered 4 moons so at this time if there is anyone who knows a lot about space, there’s no one out there that knows more than him at the time making this trial a hopeless case and very false accusations against Galileo by the Roman Catholics. Galileo’s reason for being brought to court is because he showed his strong disagreement in the Copernican Writing. He states “How can we tell if the Earth is the middle of the universe? How can we think that when it could be the Sun as the center of the Universe?” The Roman Catholics mainly attacked Galileo because he …show more content…

So many people believed and defended Galileo’s views but at the same time so many people especially religious, were strongly against his views and some wanted him dead for him spreading these ideas. The court trial was so difficult that they had to call in the Cardinal of the Catholic church, Robert Bellarmine and with his decision they would agree to keep Galileo on House Arrest until the date of his

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