
GCSE Application Essay

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After choosing to study Business Studies as one of my GCSE options as a bit of a random choice, I quickly fell in love with the subject. I really love the enjoyment of learning about what goes into running a business behind closed doors and what goes on within all the different functions operating within a business.
Since accidently falling in love with Business, my involvement and interest in the operations of a business has always been present; Setting up and managing a business under the Young Enterprise scheme, partaking in market research for a local vineyard as well as completing work experience within two different companies. Business, especially within the retail sector, is such a major part of the economy as business underpins everything. …show more content…

My team created unique mugs which consisted of a well-loved local landmark and a haiku style poem. By taking on the role of managing director I was in charge of ensuring that my team knew what they were doing and by co-ordinating tasks. By studying business at GCSE and at A-level it allowed me to apply the theory learnt in the classroom in the real operation of a business. There were many ups and downs along the way. One of the ups was winning the Brighton and Lewes area finals and progressing into the Sussex finals where we went on to win another 3 awards. In competing in the competitions I gained so much confidence from presenting in front of an audience of 100 people consisting of many business owners – something which I never thought I would be able to do! However, as there is in every business, there were some downs too, with issues arising in relation to raising finance and meeting tight deadlines consequently meaning I was required to think outside the box and solve any problems that we were faced. This ensured that the business ran as efficiently as possible. Through doing this I gained many valuable transferable skills such as leadership and excellent time

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