After choosing to study Business Studies as one of my GCSE options as a bit of a random choice, I quickly fell in love with the subject. I really love the enjoyment of learning about what goes into running a business behind closed doors and what goes on within all the different functions operating within a business.
Since accidently falling in love with Business, my involvement and interest in the operations of a business has always been present; Setting up and managing a business under the Young Enterprise scheme, partaking in market research for a local vineyard as well as completing work experience within two different companies. Business, especially within the retail sector, is such a major part of the economy as business underpins everything.
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My team created unique mugs which consisted of a well-loved local landmark and a haiku style poem. By taking on the role of managing director I was in charge of ensuring that my team knew what they were doing and by co-ordinating tasks. By studying business at GCSE and at A-level it allowed me to apply the theory learnt in the classroom in the real operation of a business. There were many ups and downs along the way. One of the ups was winning the Brighton and Lewes area finals and progressing into the Sussex finals where we went on to win another 3 awards. In competing in the competitions I gained so much confidence from presenting in front of an audience of 100 people consisting of many business owners – something which I never thought I would be able to do! However, as there is in every business, there were some downs too, with issues arising in relation to raising finance and meeting tight deadlines consequently meaning I was required to think outside the box and solve any problems that we were faced. This ensured that the business ran as efficiently as possible. Through doing this I gained many valuable transferable skills such as leadership and excellent time
If you have concerns about the care and safety of service users and feel like you can’t go to your manager then you have the option to contact some big and confidential organisations such as Care Quality Commission (CQC) or Health and Safety Executive (HSE) or environmental health who can also offer support and information and give you any answers you may need to any concerns.
7Hello there, I would like to present you and show out myself to the TGCA community. First off, I would like to introduce myself out to the TGCA community. I am CaptinNguyen, head of SOB, NULL ARC ORDO, and CC of ARC. As you can see I had experiences as a commanding officer. Overall those divisions are great to command but I need a little challenge. Since SentinelOrion has dropped out of his position because of noisy TGR, I would like to get out of my hole and take VC. But I will always remember SentinelOrion’s incredible actions he took as a VC. On the other hand, I would still command other divisions to succeed.
Businesses exist to produce goods and services. If someone is thinking of starting up their own business or becoming part of an existing business, they would have to have the knowledge of what makes business work successfully and know how to how to apply that knowledge in the particular area of business. For this unit I will be entering and exploring the world of business. For this unit I will encounter and evaluate information provided by certain businesses and actually gather my own information from at least one business. The business I have chosen to study is J Sainsbury’s.
I have gained useful expertise such as meeting targets and customer service. During the year I have been employed there, I have completed various training events which increase my knowledge of technology and business. Due to this job and assisting my family to run a business, I have a practical understanding of large and small scale business environments. Furthermore, I have participated in volunteer work with the Live at Home scheme and completed one week of work experience at a primary school. Subsequently, I received a very complimentary reference letter from the headmaster that I feel very proud of. These opportunities broadened my abilities such as working under pressure and to a deadline. During sixth form, I have engaged in activities and committees such as prom committee, mentoring and sports clubs to enhance my ability to work with others. I have organised events for the school such as the summer barbeque and ‘Trash Bash’. They required much investment of my time and responsibility to produce an exemplary event for the attendees. This month, I attended the BASE competition by the ICAEW which entailed working in groups to analyse a business’ position and give advice on a new business venture. I believe that I have improved many transferable skills during this event such as commercial awareness, analysis and decision
My passion for mathematics was fixed at the age of ten, on the morning that my mathematics teacher told I would be sitting the Junior Maths Challenge, 'as practice for when you are older'. As I nervously started to answer the questions, a whole world began to open before me. I revelled in the problem solving, answering questions of a nature I had not seen before. My teachers were delighted when I emerged from the exam hungry for more. Since then I have consistently demonstrated my aptitude, achieving gold awards through to senior level, and scoring highly in the European Kangaroo.
Previous placements like working in a family business allowed me to see the financial world in process. Shadowing employees throughout my placement gave me an insight and understanding of the basic operations which occur within the business. I often read ‘The Guardian’ surrounding topics based on business trends. Understanding how businesses are affected by Economic and Social changes helps to broaden my knowledge helping me to apply greater theories to current
Throughout high school, I have studied a variety of economic concepts and taken part in activities such as Business Club and Economics Club to understand the effects of business on society and enable progress in society by giving job opportunities to those in need and solving its pressing issues.
Mathematics is my passion, for example, in Year 9, I was nominated by my school to attend a series of “maths master classes” at Newcastle University which focused on topics from algorithms to statistical modelling. At this time I also took part in the “Leading Edge” program which was run by Newcastle University and designed to give a taste of what scientific research at universities is like, we worked with researchers on their research and then gave a group presentation on our findings to a large audience. My interest in the subject continued in Year 10 when I was selected by my school to participate in the “Maths Feast”, a problem solving competition run by the Further Maths Support Program, during this competition I learnt the rudiments of
Ever since I was a young child I would listen to them discussing the family business and always enjoyed it. I appreciate business because it is full of opportunities and risk but also recognise that a manager has to be strong, focused and adaptable. I have chosen university as it would open many doors for me it would give me a chance to experience and interact with different cultures. I enjoy learning new things and using them in daily situations and a Business degree would offer that to me. Business management would be suitable for me as I am a perfectionist and believe what ever you do, do it to the best of your ability and I also believe hard work pays off in the long term.
My interest in business has developed from working at Waitrose. They have an unusual business model, based on staff partnership with the focus on encouraging staff to contribute their
Georgia Gwinnett College Admission is most important for each and every student who wants to study in GGC. it's manclatory for every GGC student to apply before they begin with school. GGC admission is helping people to how to apply GGC and talking to the officer about out applications enroll into Georgia Gwinnett College. I was once a participant in the admission as well as my other friends. The Admission office is located in Building D.
As a student with a broad range of interests, picking a major that combined all my interests was not likely to happen right away. Eventually, I would like to attend graduate school for pathology and become a pathologist’s assistant. However, my main goal before December is to find a major that best suits my interests.
Understanding the way a business operate requires knowledge from personal experience, financial availability, and mostly an educational view. Going into business is an idea that many people may have but being educated in the area of business requires understanding of business policy, foundation, marketing, and management. In addition, business law, ethics, finance, and organizational behavior are just some of the initial points to gain an idea of how the flow of business will go. Although some businesses may begin small, many have the chance to grow into a globally known organization or franchise.
Understanding the way a business operates requires knowledge from personal experience, financial availability, and mostly an educational view. Going into business is an idea that many people may have but being educated in the area of business requires understanding of business policy, foundation, marketing, and management. In addition, business law, ethics, finance, and organizational behavior are just some of the initial points to gain an idea of how the flow of business will go. Although some businesses may begin small, many have the chance to grow into a globally known organization or franchise.
So you have decided to apply for a job; well, it’s time to write your resume. It may seem like a lot of hard work and time but once you’ve got your mindset and know your own capabilities writing a resume will be a breeze. The resume helps the employer understand what you have accomplished so far and why you should be hired for the position you applied for. A resume should consist of where you had volunteered or played a sport, what transferable skills you could deliver to the workplace and why you think you should be hired.