
Funny Ha-Ha The Impact Of The Internet On Politics Summary

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The statement: “The Impact of Web-based communication on public attitudes and political policy making”, has been a fiery hot topic for the past couple of years. As the internet grows and becomes more engrossed with people online, and their opinions, it becomes a domino effect of sorts on public attitudes, and the making of political policies. The internet as established online forums, where people who share the same opinions are able to go and “meet up” with one another to discuss the issues of the day. However, these online forums have a greater impact on society than people realize. In the article “Effects of the Internet on politics: Research roundup”, by John Wihbey, goes into more detail about the polled internet opinions and how they …show more content…

They open their article by claiming is there something call the “Social Media Election” (Rill; Cardiel). Rill and Cardiel explain that when the election of 2012 began, the amount of political videos, tweets, posts, and pictures generated into the millions. This allowed the millions of viewers on the internet to form a new method of political communication, which was strictly online. Following the new communication development, Rill and Cardiel conducted an experiment. The study was used to discover if there is a relationship between the political satire and the political attitudes. Their study resulted in that the political satire they witness online, translate their political attitudes. One way they found the impact of online forums and videos people have seen, discredit their values on candidates; how they thought of the candidate before and after. It seems people who watch this political videos with opinions, become more willingly to agree with the maker of the videos and the …show more content…

He goes further by trying to understand why citizens concluded a meaning about the metaphors, and their metaphors interpret the political issues. Hartman found that people resulted in searching the internet for things they did not understand, which then resulted into them taking the metaphors they read and/or heard, and developing a definition based off what the internet said. However, this allowed political issues to rise, because as people who may not have understood completely, and relied on the internet for help, they could have given a bipartisan view. The bipartisan view could have completely altered a particular person’s image of a

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