
Funding Recreational Areas Into The Scholarship

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Beyond conservation then, lies the sense that historians have frequently neglected to incorporate how preservation of specific recreational areas into their scholarship. This is vital considering that without this frame of reference, conservation is lost within the idea that it is separate from nature. As an attempt to explain this neglect is the awareness that “One group of critics has suggested that the complexity and stochasticity of natural processes invariably complicate attempts to preserve wilderness,” creating an additional layer suggestive of the thought that scholars shy away from integrating specific instances of land use in their studies. As Paul Sutter suggests, past historians have frequently and inadvertently written about conservation, especially in the case of wilderness, as a form of enclosure. In doing so, Sutter’s work correlates with Jacoby’s considering that conservation has been viewed as a worthwhile endeavor, while neglecting to comprehend the ramifications it had on certain groups. Perhaps most interesting in Sutter’s argument, is the traditional method of examining conservation as a part of the Progressive Movement, leading historians to consider that nature is simply a human paradigm, and that the ties between nature and humans are not as significant as they appear.
Paramount to Sutter’s argument is his association between conservation and Benton MacKaye. The author frequently uses MacKaye to illustrate public/private partnerships as have other

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