
Functionalist And Conflict Theory Paper

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Over the course of 35 years, Dr. John Gottman conducted research to determine how relationships worked. By interviewing, videotaping, obtaining the heat rate of couples, and gathering physiological data from couples, he found several attributes that led to successful relationships. Couples who practiced these attributes were called the masters of relationships, versus the disasters. Currently, Dr. Gottman is able to successfully predict the outcome of relationships based on how the couple handles conflict, consider their partner a friend, and if individuals have admiration for one another.
There are two theories that were evident in the video: functionalist and conflict theory. The functionalist theory explains that individuals do not always work as they are supposed to. In this theory, individuals may share the same values however, according to Zastrow and Kirst-Ashman …show more content…

Couples would be instructed to practice speaking to one another using statements that symbolizes their admiration and respect for their partner. I would also encourage them to bring forth an ongoing conflict they are currently struggling with, such as difficulty managing chores or financial problems to practice assertive “I” statements. In conjunction, couples in the group will be asked to use open ended questions and notice the strengths of his or her partner, instead of focusing on their negative traits. Couples will be supported in dissecting their language so that they can become aware of the message they are relying to their partner as it is important to avoid transmitting messages of superiority. Lastly, couples will be motivated connect with their significant other by talking about their hopes and dreams. Becoming in tune with their partner and building their love maps will promote couples to reinforce their friendship and most of all, strengthen their

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