SUBJECT: United States Army Functional Concept for Sustainment 1. Purpose: To provide a summary on the functional concept utilized to develop and employ sustainment for future Army operations. 2. Facts: a. The United States Army Functional Concept for sustainment has drastically changed throughout the years. Logistics, personnel services and health services have advanced and progressed with its time, but sustainers remain uncertain to operational environmental changes. Moving forward, sustainers must continue to apply all sustainment warfighting functions even through adverse of conditions and environmental changes. b. Future sustainers must adapt and remain versatile under the complex and ever-changing conditions of the operating environment
In support of my capstone project, I assessed and will submit a redesigned proposal with developmental recommendations for reformation of a solid POI for the SPCC that takes place at the Army Logistics University. In this, I have identified the foremost purpose for this redesign as the following: The investment in the education and training of rising leadership is vital to the long-term success of our sustainment support staff and the services provided. With this course providing training in modular force operations for newly selected command designees that enables them to function effectively throughout their command tour it is very important to make sure that the training is substantive. Therefore the main focus is to assure that training is current and emerging sustainment doctrine and leadership topics for commanders on the National Guard, Reservist and Active Duty levels is most essential.
2. Summary: ADP 6-0 is broken down into three major sections. These sections are; the guiding principles, the Art of Command, and the Mission Command Warfighting Function. This paper will place emphasis on the guiding principles and the Art of Command portions of the manual as they provide the baseline for conceptual implementation. Additionally, as a Group Support Battalion (GSB), the Mission Command Warfighting Function predominantly lies within the responsibility of line Battalion commanders. Within the GSB, our primary mission is to provide augmentees and unique enablers to commander’s to further enable them to meet mission success.
(U)HQDA EXORD 10-13 ISO THE HQDA FY13-15 ACTIVE COMPONENT MANNING GUIDANCE (ACMG). (U) (ATSG-NCOA). The Army will be downsizing its total personnel and force structure during FY 13-FY15. Beginning 2 QTR, FY13,The Army will apply the HQDA FY13-15 ACMG. This new guidance will line up its personnel IAW Army priorities. The objective is to man ARFORGEN structures at not less than P2 during the reset phase and sustain structures not less than P1 during the train/ready and available phase. Unit Status Reporting (USR) ratings will be used to identify manning and readiness in deploying units. Units will not be allowed to over strength other military occupational specialty positions to counterweight for non-available personnel. HQDA G-1 will
d. Logistical Supportability: (1) Deployability: required resources (less is better), (2) Infrastructure Needs: in-country evaluation of runways, road, bridges and other permanent structures which are required for combat operations (more is better), (3) Supportability: evaluation of required classes of supply and combat support personnel (less is better)
It is this backdrop of adaptation and versatility that warrants an overview to reinforce a positive attitude, esprit de corps, and sense of unity within the units across the air defense artillery branch.
In FY13 the Army will transition as we reduce the size of the assigned personnel and force structure. The initial stage of drawdown for Active Component Operational Support is expected to end by FY15 and begins to eliminate the wartime allowance completed by FY17 affecting the ability formations. The Army has enough Soldiers to fill authorization aggregate, but still has shortages in Rank and Military Occupational Specialty (MOS). We need to assign personnel that are available to determine manning effectiveness as well as readiness in deploying units. Synchronizes and integrates readiness priorities for the war fighter and our Army including all forces. The Army Forces Generation (ARFORGEN) cycle and the Army priorities are already established
The history of force reductions after the Cold War era and Operation Desert Storm proves the reliance on contract support to America’s fighting force was important to accomplish the mission. (CGSC, 2015). The Army should maintain its level of contract support relative to the current budget constraints and force reductions. Contract support with oversight from Army Material Command is a force multiplier but will require several mitigation measures in order to be effective in future campaigns.
You are the brigade S4 and are planning operations that commence in 48 hours. You are coordinating with the brigade S3 during your planning process to ensure you fully understand the tactical requirements of the operations. Which two principles of sustainment are you applying?
The Army Reserve provides Sustainment support duties for Active Duty missions. Sustainment Warfighting tasks provide support and services. There are three main Sustainment Warfighting Functions; Conduct logistics, Provide personnel services and Provide health service support. Sustainment tasks enable the Warfighting forces to extend operations and maintain capabilities. One of the most
Force management, or what is really otherwise known as planned comprehensive change, is in reality a complex and interwoven process. Though it was designed within the confines of a systemic approach referred to as the DOTMLPF (Doctrine, Organization, Training, Materiel, Leadership & Education, Personnel and Facilities), in reality it is meant to enable both dutiful and well-thought out change as well as faster, more urgent adjustments in accordance with the evolving nature of war and information gathering tactics. The Army, as one branch involved in this initiative, focuses most of its attention in this regard on the organizational sector because of the way it facilitates an adequate and democratic step-by-step system of review (Student Reader, F102:2). But the fact is that even this initiative remains multi-faceted and appears to be rather bureaucratic in nature (it has five phases, which seems antithetical to an urgent change process), which might not be surprising since implementing the type of changes that are demanded can have major implications of all sorts. Still, it does appear that this concentration is being well received and that it will eventually serve its goal even if it does not appear that way when detailed on a point by point basis.
As stewards of our profession, commanders ensure that military expertise continues to develop and be passed on to aspiring professionals through operational development. It is during this developmental phase that Professional Soldiers put their knowledge and skills to the test. Operational Army units certify and recertify their Professional Soldiers through repetitive and realistic training events including the Combat Life Saver Course, platoon live fires, and exercises at the National Training Center. In the course of these challenging and realistic experiences, the Army’s operational units develop Soldiers and leaders prepared to maintain high standards, discipline, and operational readiness. Operational development and adaptability will continue to drive changes in Army doctrine, organization, leadership, and education as we enter the post-war era. Without this kind of development, the Army could not maintain a well-disciplined professional fighting force.
Army sustainment is based on an integrated process (people, systems, materiel, health services, and other support) indivisibly linking sustainment to operations. The concept focuses on building a combat ready Army, delivering it to the combatant commander (CCDR) as part of the joint force, and sustaining its combat power across the depth of the operational area and with unrelenting endurance (ADRP 4-0, Chap. 1, Intro.) Sustainment maintenance is off-system component repair and/or end item repair and return to the supply system or by exception to the owning unit, performed by national level maintenance providers. National level maintenance providers include the Army
Sustainment is defined by the Army as “the provision of logistics, personnel services, and health service support necessary to maintain operations until successful mission completion.” The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines sustain as “to provide what is needed for (something or someone) to exist, continue, etc.; to give support or relief to.”
The Army’s mission is to build forces capable of Unified Land Operations, able to operate effectively with Joint, interagency, intergovernmental, and multinational partners across the range of military operations to provide capable and ready forces to combatant commanders (CCDRs) in support of the National Security and National Defense Strategies, while sustaining and maintaining the quality of the All-Volunteer Force. (United States, 2014)
Fantastic post. One of the better posts I have read. When I was writing my post I did not even consider anything inside WWI or WWII to describe sustainment operations. I was so focused on aviation only roles in sustainment operations I flat out missed much of the concept.