
Ft. Hood Research Paper

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Running head: Ft. Hood The 2009 Shooting at Ft. Hood Anthony Rose Professor Browne Aug 1, 2015 The 2009 Shooting at Ft. Hood On November 5th, 2009 Major Nidal Malik Hasan opened fire on the Ft. Hood Army base killing 13 of his fellow soldiers and wounding 43 others (Blake, 2013). Major Hasan had become self-radicalized and some feel was pushed to the point of carrying out this heinous act by his upcoming deployment to Afghanistan. His shooting spree was brought to an end after he was shot by base security, wounded but not martyred. He received a military trial and was convicted of all counts and sentenced to death becoming the sixth person awaiting that fate in the military justice system. More than a year earlier …show more content…

Hood was swift. After receiving an alert that there was an active shooter threat on the installation the base was shut down and base security was dispatched to the Soldier Readiness Processing Center (Pariante, 2009). The pair that finally brought this ordeal to an end was Sgt. Kimberly Munley and Senior Sgt. Mark Todd, of the K-9 division. Major Hasan wounded Sgt. Munley with two shots, one to the thigh and the other directly into her femur. She also received shrapnel wounds to her hand from nearby ricocheting bullets. She lay on the ground when Senior Sgt. Todd rounded the corner and put Major Hasan in his sights. He demanded that Hasan turn himself in but Hasan’s only response was gunfire. Todd returned fire and after five well-aimed shots Major Hasan was on the ground. Todd then approached, disarmed the terrorist, and then put him in flex cuffs. The incident lasted approximately ten minutes but would forever traumatize or snuff out the light of many of his supposed brothers and …show more content…

The first responders who showed up at the scene were exemplary in their actions and prevented something that was horrible from becoming much worse. Military members should rest at east knowing that those who are there to protect them are well trained and capable. The Federal bureaucracy again demonstrated that the right hand did not know what the left hand was doing. The agencies need better interoperability and intellectual stovepipes need to be prevented. This attack should never have happened. The government had the knowledge and intelligence to prevent it but failed to connect the dots. We cannot let each other down like this. We are all brothers and sisters under the flag and in this day and age we need to stand together or else more senseless tragedies like this will continue. It cannot be allowed to

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