
Fruit Fly Lab Report

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The materials and methods are adapted from Evolution Lab Manual, Lab One: The Fly Lab (Welsh, 2016). The stock bottles contained true breeding homozygous flies of either ebony body or wild-type body (tan). The fruit fly was observed because it is easily cultured, it has a two week generation time at 21-23°C, it occupies little storage space, and it is large enough to see phenotypic traits. Two cultures were set up with an equal number of flies with each trait, to start with an initial allele frequency of p=0.5. One culture was set up with a small population of eight flies: two wild-type females, two wild-type males, two ebony females, and two ebony males. The wild-type body flies were sexed under a dissecting microscope on a sorting plate, …show more content…

The wild-type body flies were sexed, and the twenty flies needed for the culture were aspirated into a clean dry transfer vial. Extra flies were aspirated into another transfer vial. Then the ebony body flies were sexed and the twenty flies needed were aspirated into the transfer vial with the wild-type flies destined for the culture. All other ebony flies were aspirated into an extra transfer vial. The flies destined for the culture tapped to the bottom of the vial and were then chilled in an ice bucket for about seven minutes. Once the flies were no longer awake they were gently transferred to the culture vial. The culture vial was kept on its side until all the flies were awake to ensure they did not stick to the culture media. The phenotype data and allele frequency was recorded for each …show more content…

Flies from the small culture were aspirated into a transfer vial and put on ice for about seven minutes to immobilize them. Then the flies were placed onto the sorting plate and the first four males and four females were chosen and their body phenotypes were recorded. The same transfer techniques were used to place the flies into the fresh culture vial. The extra flies were disposed of in the morgue. Flies from the large population were aspirated into a transfer vial and put on ice for about seven minutes. Again the flies were sorted and the first twenty males and twenty females were chosen and their body phenotypes were recorded. The same transfer techniques were used to place the flies in the fresh culture vial. The excess flies were disposed of in the morgue. The allele frequencies and expected heterozygosities at each transfer were

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