
Fromm And Obedience To Authority

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An American psychoanalyst Erich Fromm, was born on March 23,1900, in Frankfort, Germany. Fromm was educated at the Universities of Heidelberg and Munich, also The Psychoanalytic Institute in Berlin in 1922. Obedience to authority is a necessity in any society for it to be able to function. The time when obedience and authority together becomes “scary or dangerous is when it harms the people within society. A person should obey the authority is when it is allowed by the society, through rules enacted by society. Following this policy, society can prevent chaos A person obeys another person because he is influenced by a stronger power, whether it being wealth, intellect, experience, or a higher position. Human beings have been obeying and disobeying since the beginning. They have been thought that obedience is a virtue and disobedience a vice, but this is not true all the time. The person obeying authority must be able to recognize irrational and rational authority, because not being able to do so can become dangerous. When people become a part of a cult or a gang it is usually at a vulnerable time when they are recruited and they were not able to recognize signs needed to make a rational decision. These people become followers to leaders …show more content…

For example, prisoner and guards may have personalities which make conflict inevitable with prisoners who lack respect for law and order and guards who are aggressive and abusive. So, prisoners and guards may behave in an adverse manner due to the situation that they are placed in. If the prisoners and guards behaved in a non-abusive way this would support the dispositional explanation or if they behave the same way as people do in real prisons this would support the situational

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