
From Coloniarl Rule to Civil War: Angola

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From colonial rule to civil war, Angola is no stranger to elongated and extremely bloody conflicts. Throughout Angola’s history over the last five hundred years, the effects of the Transatlantic Slave Trade (TST) have by far made the longest lasting impact on the nation’s volatile past and future. This horrible marginalization of the country’s population provided a strong foundation that ultimately shaped the country’s future conflicts; a commonality that is shared with many other former African colonies tied to the (TST). The main purpose of this paper will focus on this post-colonial descent into chaos, and what eventually evolved into the Angolan Civil war. What’s more, Angola also served a simultaneous role as a budding Cold War proxy battlefield; becoming one of the many future locations where the East and West meet unofficially, hashing out ideological aspirations softly and covertly on foreign soil.
Colonial Angola From the 15th century forward, nearly twelve million victims were collected and funneled into the Transatlantic Slave Trade. With final destinations in regions around the world like the US’s South, slaves accounted for nearly half of all commodities in these international markets. Author Gavin Wright presents the analysis of how cotton production in the US’s Southeast and Southwest regions from 1800-60 spiked from a combined total from 100,000 bales in 1800, to nearly 5,000,000 bales in 1860, which is a 4,800% climb over the course

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